New arrivals 7 medicinal mushrooms blend and cacao powder from anima Mundi  are available NOW!!! Peach Jam & Grape Jelly Jam are available NOW!!!  Fresh Beef Cuts available NOW!!! Colostrum is available NOW!!! Freshly Frozen lamb cuts available NOW....

Soy Free Corn Free Pasture EGGS, """" Sofiya Organic Unwashed Egg

"""" Sofiya Organic Unwashed Egg

This coating seals the shell pores, prevents bacteria from getting inside the shell, and reduces moisture loss from the egg – all designed to make the egg last longer. Washing the eggs removes this protective layer, and does reduce the time that the egg will remain fresh

The organic Feed ingredients : Barley Pure-Life Sea Protein Organic Vit-Min Pak Stand -Strong Essential oils Probiotics and Enzymes Carrot

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