WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A&E Dairy & More ?
The term A&E stands for "Adam & Eve" , which when they existed,was a time that everything was pure,including food & drink.... You may ask why "non certified Organic" was removed from the website...We were contacted by the USDA Department of Organic Certifications to do so and they said that the term "non ceritified organic" shall not be used on any product.....
The farms the products come from are small family farms that cannot afford certification costs,these small family farmers absolutely do NOT use chemicals, fungicides,herbicides,pesticides,hormones , just the pure product. Unfortunately such pure products can only be referred to now as "MILK" "CHEESES" , "MEATS" etc. ,since the farmers cannot pay the costs to certify their farming practices and be "legally labeled" as organic .
How do I cancel an order ?
- Sign into your account
- Click "View Cart"
- Delete all items,one by one, till the cart is empty
- Your order has been canceled
What size cooler should be left for my orders?
It mainly depends on how many items your ordering. We generally recomend an 11 qt. cooler with ice.
When will my order arrive?
You may access this information under your account,when signed in,click the "Delivery Day" tab to find out. Orders have to placed by a certain date,that date can also be found under the "Delivery Day" tab.
If we couldn't deliver to you in your regular delivery day we will deliver the next day ( we will contact you by email )
-- delivery hours ( 11am - 12 midnight )
-- 10% of our customers gets their orders after 10 pm depends where they live so please have a cooler ready
-- the reason for late night delivery is that we strive to deliver your milk 12-24 hours after milking
-- Please note that we don't give exact delivery time that's why we ask our members to please leave a cooler outside their door step if they need to step out in their delivery day .
-- you can email us to know your general estimated delivery window and we will let you know
How do I pay?
Payment is on delivery.cash only
I finished adding items to my cart and clicked the "Check Out" button, no credit card info was entered, is there an error?
There is no error. Payment is CASH on delivery, credit cards and checks are not accepted therefore none of that info is asked for at "Check Out". As soon as you click "Check Out", the order is scheduled for delivery.
I forgot my password,how can I sign in?
Under the log in bar,you will find a "Forgot Password" link,it will then email you your password in an email.
I forgot the email address I signed up with,what to do?
In this case,you will need to create a whole new account. With an email different from the one you signed up with. You can do so by clicking "Sign Up" near the log in bar.
My order status says ''open'' "Closed" ''confirmed'',what does that mean?
When an order is marked ''open '' means we received your order but you still can modify it
however "Closed"or ''confirmed ''
it means you no longer can modify your order and it will be delivered on your scheduled delivery day.
Why are some/all cuts of meat showing "Unavailable" frequently?
Its important to first understand that we deal strictly with grass-fed meats.
Since grass is not available in the winter,during the end of the summer months top picks of grass-fed meats are frozen for the winter months.
We tend to sell out very quickly on all the cuts.
It sometimes takes a while till one of our farmers has another cow,goat or lamb ready again for butchering since they are not raised on grain which does make raising and weight gain time a whole lot less.
Instructions for Returning items:
Please follow these steps for returning items:
1. Send us an email about that item
2. If the item needs to be refrigerated, please place it in the fridge. Return it to the driver the following week to receive your credit.
3.If the item needs to be frozen, please freeze it. Return it to the driver the following week to receive your credit.
4. If you need to change an item or one of the items was missing please reorder the item and substracte it from the total of the next order
5.You also can email us @ [email protected] to get your refund by Venmo or Zelle
The driver will not be able to give you the credit without having item back.
Thank you for your cooperation.
How can I contact you?
You may contact us either by phone or email.
By Phone ( 973 968 1391 ) txt only
By Phone (Delivery Day Info Only) - 973-413-9585
By Email (General Inquiries) - [email protected]
By Email [email protected]
Please Note : Please give several days for a reply by email as well by phone if we do not answer you right away. Email is the best way to contact us. If we do not answer your phone call,please leave a message and we will get back with you,when our answer machine is on we are either on the other line or away from the phone. You may call and leave a message anytime.
Order Cancelation -