New arrivals 7 medicinal mushrooms blend and cacao powder from anima Mundi  are available NOW!!! Peach Jam & Grape Jelly Jam are available NOW!!!  Fresh Beef Cuts available NOW!!! Colostrum is available NOW!!! Freshly Frozen lamb cuts available NOW....

Grass-Fed Meats, ::::::Beef Bones & Broth % 100 Grass Fed

::::::Beef Bones & Broth % 100 Grass Fed

From 100% grass fed beef April 2nd ,2020 All Beef Bone Broth is from 10 year old beef cow with much much yellow in the fat.High CLA content. we just butchered they were grazing on grass for approx 10 years possibly a higher CLA content The Marroow Bone Broth is from a 2 year old Black Angus Cow.

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